ENTANGLEMENTING - An American Ending

Entanglementing — Sam’s 6th album and 1st opera — is now a film.

Our story takes its initial cues from America’s 20th century bifurcated personality — private wars and public peace, democratic prose and foreign overthrows — and places that tension in the shape of a single man.

His dissonance reaches crisis point.

Don’t expect your average storytelling here.

Welcome to Entanglementing, a narrative experiment in sound and image.

2020 - BLOW-UP  International Arthouse Filmfest Chicago - W - OFFICIAL SELECTION.png
2020 - Experimental Forum -W- Honorable_Mention.png




Sam Genovese, Twin Children, Uma Arunachalam, Takako Manitoba


Photography: Sara Kerr, Leila Weefur, Sam Genovese

Video Editing: Sam Genovese

Audio Mix/Master: Cory Gehrich

Music/Libretto: Sam Genovese

Production Year: 2020

Format: 4K Video, B&W, Sound

TRT: 55min

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